Donations Update

Thanks very much for all the donations so far!

In just a few days's time, we have already received £606.77 in various currencies.

Number 8 resonates with the influences and vibrations of authority and personal power, self-confidence, executive ability, confidence, inner-strength, professionalism and the professional, management, material freedom, success, good judgement, money, finances, riches, manifesting wealth, abundance and prosperity.

We are planning to have more than £1,000 or higher before starting application for this fund, because we want to add as much as we can to help people.

Regarding the application, a simple application form will need to be completed. In the form, applicants will need to state in a few paragraphs why they need our assistance. The application form will be published on this blog when it is ready. 

We thank you for your assistance in the light working towards planetary liberation.

Please be sure to hold your intent for abundance to flow towards you in every area of your life in each present moment. Once you become a portal for abundance on the surface of the planet you immediately raise the vibration of all around you as this activates what is necessary for all to receive planetary abundance.

The following mantra can be helpful to activate abundance in your life:

"I AM worthy to receive and I AM a Portal for Abundance in each area of my life and hold this intent for all around me."

Chanting a mantra 3 times is a charm!

For more information about this donation request, please visit the following page:
